Saturday 30 May 2009

Crop Circles - Messages from the Gods

By Paul Dale Roberts, HPI Ghostwriter & Cerealogist

I have been to Stonehenge in England, with my ex-wife Patricia. As I stood there in awe, I could faintly hear my ex-wife say, "those are just a bunch of rocks, I don't understand the fascination, come on, let's go shopping in London!"

While I surveyed the countryside to Bath on the following day, I was looking for crop circles. Crop circles have a universal language of geometry. I believe that the ancient sites of England and leylines have something to do with the crop circle phenomenon. Somehow these crop circles are changing our perspective of life and our consciousness.

Crop Circles

Crop circles have been seen since the 7th century, before two guys appeared before BBC and made claim that they created the crop circles with sticks and rope. Could these two men that make this claim have created over 10,000 reported crop circles in 26 countries?

Crop circles that are so geometrically complex, that you have to be a mathematician with a genius level of intelligence to create them? For example there is a double helix of DNA strand type of crop circle, that would be impossible for humans to create. With a closer look the grain stems are arranged in a concentric manner. When entering a crop circle, knives, watches have been magnetized, people have felt tickling sensations on parts of their bodies and it appears that dogs, cats and other animals avoid entering a crop circle. People have heard twilling sounds coming out of crop circles.

Before crop circles are formed, people report the appearance of UFOs, such as a tube of light, or small bouncing lights. It appears that the military is quite interested in crop circles, because the military has asked farmers to immediately harvest their grain even if it's ripe or not, so other people will not see the created crop circle. Are we being visited by the Circle Gods who leave their messages in fields of grain?

When hoaxers try to replicate crop circles, they can't even get a circular precision down right, let alone complex symbols. The plants should be destroyed by the circle creations, but yet they survive. Upon closer inspection we see intricate designs that have been called the wreath, bird nest, cane hut, dorsal fin and the teardrop. One crop circle looks like our solar system in every detail, except that the Earth is missing. The complex Julia Set crop circle was created in broad daylight with witnesses around Stonehenge and it must have taken 1.17 minutes per circle to be created. Other circles are in 3D.

Crop Circles

People claim that UFOs appear anywhere from 6 to 36 hours before there are appearances of crop circles. The Circle Gods are trying to relay a message to humankind, they send down their silver colored spheres the size of tennis balls or beach balls to create these messages in the grain.

Indigenous cultures have legends that discuss what the message could mean, it could mean that we are evolving into a more spiritual being. The Mayans claim that the world changes in 2012. The world as we know it will end in 2012. Perhaps after 2012, we will be more on a spiritual level on a spiritual quest of transformation. The Aboriginal people have legends of 'dream time', when people could walk from this reality into other dimensions. It is claimed that this is a lost science. Perhaps we will regain this knowledge and learn to change the molecular structure of things, including ourselves. We will be on the next level of awareness, we are entering the time of Homo Superious.

Perhaps the reason why crop circles are mostly seen in England, is because the Circle Gods want us to connect the dots, that ancient sites are connected to modern day crop circles. That our legends of fairy circles were also the enigma of what crop circles are today. On Milk Hill the Circle Gods left us a message in post-Augustan Latin and obscure Knights Templar based alphabet that read on this hillside..."I oppose acts of craft and cunning." Perhaps they were talking about our 2 guys that claimed to have made all of crop circles with sticks and rope. Or perhaps they are talking about mankind in general.

I believe the Circle Gods have been around since the age of mankind. Mankind may have recycled itself 5 times over and we are heading for the 6th level of change over. The reason why I say we may be recycling is from ancient transcripts. It appears that mankind was at a level of technology, that was as developed as our own technology and they may have even exceeded us with technology. In 200 AD, the Chinese had an earthquake detection device. 1040 AD the Chinese had a flame thrower. Batteries were discovered that were 2000 years old in Baghdad. In ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics, there are images of lightbulbs. The Ark of the Covenant seemed to be radioactive. When a slave touched the Ark, he died immediately. Perhaps this was radiation poisoning? Was the Arc a weapon of some sort and also a communication device to God? Chi-Kung of Chinese legend was known to travel the skies in an aerial carriage. King Solomon flew around Central Asia. The 4,700 year old Babylonian Epic of Etana describes flying into outerspace and looking back at the Earth. The description is accurate.


Have you heard about the flying Vimanas of India? There were three type of flying Vimanas.

There were:

1. The Vimana that could take you place to place

2. Flying Vimanas that took you from country to country

3. Flying Vimanas that took you from planet to planet.

If ancient technology from India, Egypt, China, Atlantis, Lemuria/Mu existed, then what became of this advanced civilization? It appears that there may have been a nuclear war. Mu and Atlantis sunk into the ocean, Sodom and Gomorra was obliviated into nothingness and tektites - hardened glass is found in the Egyptian desert that may indicate a nuclear war of some sort. There are even vitrified forts in Scotland and Iran that seem to indicate the ancients were ready and prepared for nuclear war.

The world is in dire straights. With the threat of terrorism, crime, global warming, wars and the rumors of wars, new diseases arising, we are facing the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. It is time for the Circle Gods to step in perhaps once again and set us on the right course towards elusive harmony and bliss, before we destroy ourselves. Since the Circle Gods know that we have a tendency of destroying ourselves when we reach that peak of technical perfection, it was easy to lay down the prophesy to the Mayans that the world as we know it will end in 2012.

Wednesday 27 May 2009

UFO hits wind turbine

'UFO' wind turbine crash site sealed off

The wind farm where UFO hunters believe an alien aircraft struck a 290-foot wind turbine has been sealed off.

Wind farm : 'UFO' wind turbine crash site sealed off
One of the turbine's 65-foot blades came off and another was damaged at the site Photo: PA

Security guards have been sent to protect the wind farm site in Conisholme, Lincs, following last week's incident.

One of the turbine's 65-foot blades came off and another was damaged at the site, on the same night that local residents reported seeing orange-yellow spheres in the sky, which some described as trailing octopus-like "tentacles".

Ecotricity, the company that owns the wind farm near Louth, has yet to find an explanation for the damage.

But managers are believed to be concerned UFO enthusiasts will scour the site for debris, so have decided to restrict access.

Dog patrols have been sent to ensure no unauthorised people can enter the site.

Nick Pope, a UFO expert, told The Sun: "There may be something they don't want people to see."

However, foreign debris was found at the site during an initial search.

More rational explanations include the possibility that a secret military aircraft such as a stealth bomber might have hit the turbine during a test flight, or that the turbine blade simply fell off, damaging the other one in the process.

Mr Pope said: "If a stealth aircraft struck the turbine, it may be made of some material which is itself top secret."

Tuesday 26 May 2009

Monday 25 May 2009

Satellite Photo from Mars Shows Alien "Creature"

I saw this when I was browsing the internet. Very interesting.

Satellite Photo from Mars Shows Alien "Creature"
An intriguing photo, taken in 2004 by the Mars explorer Spirit, appears to show a human shaped object at the rock-strewn Gusev Crater. Photo by
An intriguing photo, taken in 2004 by the Mars explorer Spirit, appears to show a human shaped object, website reported Wednesday.

It looks startingly like previous photographs purporting to have captured Bigfoot.

Snapped at the rock-strewn Gusev Crater, the grainy picture appears to show a Bigfoot-style alien creature strolling casually down a hill.

Its bulbous "head" is cocked to one side, as if in concentration, while its right "arm" appears to be reaching out for balance.

The "creature" was spotted when space enthusiasts analysed photos beamed a hundred million miles to Earth by Spirit and its twin explorer Opportunity.

Spirit, sent to Mars to capture images from the surface of the planet, is one half of a USD 820 M mission, along with Opportunity.

It landed on Mars in January 2004 for a three month mission to search Gusev Crater, believed by scientists to be the bed of an ancient lake. If Mars once had surface water, it had the potential to support life.

Black triangle ufo sightings

Im fascinated by sightings of black triangle ufo's, so I will be posting any sightings I find on here.

"Black triangles" are a class of unidentified flying objects (UFOs) with certain common features which have reportedly been observed from the 1940s (and possibly earlier) to the present. They have appeared most commonly over cities of the United States and England, but have been spotted worldwide, including a mass sighting over St. Petersburg, Russia, on February 19, 1997.[citation needed]

Since that event, hundreds of observers have reported enormous, totally silent, black triangular craft hovering or slowly cruising at low altitudes over cities and highways, usually at night and making no attempt to evade detection. The craft are even described by many observers as having some sort of "running lights", either bright white lights or pulsing colored lights. These lights usually appear at each corner of the triangle. Sometimes a red pulsating light is seen at the center.[citation needed]

No conclusive explanation has been found for black triangles. Accordingly, their origin and existence remain shrouded in mystery.

Unknown to many, triangular-shaped UFOs have been reported since the 1940s. Accounts of flying triangles, wedges, or boomerangs have increased dramatically since the 1990s. The sightings report clearly visible objects over densely populated areas and highways, mostly in the United States and England, but other parts of the world as well. A geographic distribution of U.S. sightings has been correlated by a currently inactive American-based investigative organization, the National Institute for Discovery Science, which led to a July 2002 report which suggested that the craft may belong to the U.S. Air Force[1]; however, a subsequent report in August 2004 by the same organization (NIDS) found that the rash of sightings did not conform to previous deployment of black project aircraft and that the objects' origins and agendas were unknown [2].

Most black triangle reports indicate that the craft are at least 200 ft (60 m) long and similar to the dimensions of a typical football field in width. They typically appear silently and seemingly "out of nowhere", drifting a few hundred feet or less above the ground. Black triangles are usually described as moving very slowly or hovering in one place for varying periods of time, sometimes even landing. The craft are also sometimes reported to be capable of sudden, rapid acceleration, as is often mentioned in descriptions of other types of UFOs.

Some triangular UFO reports are likely sightings of one or more black projects under development by the U.S. military and contractors. However, the facts that triangles are usually reported in and around populated areas and that they putatively make no effort to evade detection cast doubt on whether such sightings are of military craft. (Of course, large populations have more eyes with which to make sightings.) This in comparison to the F-117 Nighthawk and B-2 Spirit stealth aircraft, which were sighted only occasionally during testing over sparsely populated areas of the Southwest United States such as Groom Lake (Area 51), usually at night and by dedicated civilian observers of military aircraft.

[edit] Rendlesham Forest incident

A pyramid-shaped craft was reported to have landed near an American air base at Rendlesham Forest in Suffolk, England, on December 27, 1980. Military personnel reported having approached at least one landed craft in the forest and observed it in great detail before it once again took flight. Another craft was observed landing in an open field near the base and then taking off at incredible speed. Between 2002 and 2005, reporter Bryant Gumbel hosted a series of exclusive SciFi Channel documentaries, one of which, entitled UFO Invasion at Rendlesham, focused on this incident. Gumbel interviewed some of the men involved with the sighting, and the documentary toured some of the scenes, attempting to gather evidence that something landed in the forest. The History Channel also aired an episode of UFO Files on the incident, calling it "Britain's Roswell".

[edit] Moscow sightings

A major sighting occurred near Moscow on March 12, 1990. Several groups of UFOs were seen, some of which were spheres and discs, and some of which appeared to be huge triangular craft[citation needed]. Many local people spent the night on their rooftops watching these silent objects dart through the sky[citation needed]. The CIA retained several accounts of this wave from the Soviet Russian media,[citation needed] although CIA reports themselves, assuming they exist, have yet to be released.

[edit] Belgian Air Force report

A picture purported to have been taken during the Belgian UFO wave, but which did not show up until thirteen years later.

On March 30, 1990, citizens of the city of Brussels spotted a large black triangular craft hovering silently over the city for several minutes. Local police officials arrived on the scene and reported observing the object as it hovered over apartment buildings. One officer reported that the object released a red glowing disk of light from its center which flew down to the ground and darted around several buildings before disappearing. The larger craft eventually departed at high speed.

The Belgian Air Force scrambled F-16s to pursue the craft once it was spotted on ground radar systems. The fighter pilots and radar operators reported that the object would dart ahead at incredible speeds every time they finally had a radar lock on it. One pilot reported the object's speed at over 900 knots. After nine confirmed target locks the object finally vanished from their screens.

The Belgian Air Force has gone on record with the details of its black triangle pursuit.[3] It released its radar video footage and its conclusions, ruling out the following origins of the object in question:

  • Balloons. Impossible due to the highly variable speeds (confirmed visually and by radar).
  • Ultralight (ULM). Same as for balloons.
  • UAV. Impossible due to the hovering characteristics.
  • Aircraft (including Stealth). Same as for RPV. No noise.
  • Laser projections or mirages. Unlikely due to lack of projection surface (no clouds). Light spots have been observed from different locations. Light spots moved over distance of more than 15 nautical miles (28 km). Form of unlighted part of spots has been observed with spectacles. Laser projections or mirages can not be detected by radar.

The report concludes that the Belgian Air Force was "unable to identify either the nature or the origin of the phenomenon." However, the description of the craft, the speeds, the maneuverability and the dates of observation are rumored — but, as with many black projects, not confirmed — to correspond with flight times of a TR-3B Astra, a USAF spyplane conjectured by ufologists. This craft is rumored to be related to the TR-3A Black Manta, with a maximum Earth atmosphere speed of sub-Mach 9 – which can explain why the F-16s never managed to catch up with it, and it has been suggested that it was tested over numerous parts of the world during the early 1990s.

It should be noted that some subsequent studies present a much more cautious and skeptical view of the events discussed in the Belgian Air Force report, disputing both the accuracy of some of the statements made in that report and the interpretation of the events described.

[edit] "The Intruder" video

In a 1992 event, unreported until March 2007, a black triangle was spotted and filmed over the skies of Phoenix, Arizona. Not much is known about the sighting, as only one video has surfaced, which was featured on Phoenix local news network 3TV. The video was nicknamed "The Intruder."[4]

[edit] Phoenix Lights incident

One of the more famous appearances of these craft was during the event known as the "Phoenix Lights", where multiple unidentified objects, many of them black triangles, were spotted by the residents of Phoenix, Arizona and videotaped by both the local media and residents with camcorders across multiple evenings beginning on Thursday, March 13, 1997. Some lights drifted as low as 1000 feet and moved far too slowly and silently for conventional aircraft. If they were helicopters, they produced no sound. Some of the lights appeared to group up in a giant "V" formation that lingered above the city for several minutes. Many residents reported one triangle to be over a mile wide that drifted slowly over their houses blocking out the stars of the night sky. Other reports indicated the craft were spotted flying away from Phoenix as far away as Las Vegas, Nevada and Los Angeles, California.

An official report made by the Air Force about the incident concluded that the military had been testing flares launched from conventional aircraft during that time. Eyewitnesses confirmed military jets were scrambled from nearby Luke Air Force Base, but instead of launching flares, they were seen chasing after some of the objects.

The next few nights, in an attempt to recreate the incident, local pilots flew prop-planes over the city in a "V" formation, but the sounds of their engines were easily heard. The original lights made no sound. Flares were also deployed above Phoenix. Comparison of the video taken of the lights (which appeared at night) against daytime images of the same scene show that the lights "disappear" at the exact moment they are shown to fall behind a mountain range. The mountains were invisible against the night sky. There were apparently no reported radar sightings of the objects which appears to be consistent with the flare theory.

[edit] Illinois police sighting incident

On January 5, 2000, beginning shortly after 4:00 am, five on-duty Illinois police officers in separate locations sighted and reported a massive, unidentified triangular aircraft. Two of the five officers reported flight characteristics which do not conform to currently known civilian technologies, as the object appeared to move at incredible speeds without making any sound. Sightings in Highland, Illinois, by a civilian who first reported to the local police department and subsequent sightings took place in Lebanon, Summerfield, Shiloh, Millstadt, Dupo, and O'Fallon. Scott Air Force Base public relations office denied any knowledge of the event. The incident was featured in Peter Jennings' final ABC special, "UFOs: Seeing is Believing". The event has been addressed by several U.S. cable television programs and one independent documentary.

This story was also featured in 2005 on a segment of the SciFi Channel paranormal investigation series Proof Positive (episode #108). To substantiate that the police officers did in fact witness the same unexplained aircraft, and that their reports correlated together, all five were given a lie detector test and asked various questions about the incident. All five officers passed the test and the show gave the story a "proof positive".

[edit] On Google Earth

An image of what appears to be a black triangle can be found in southwestern Australia (see Google Earth at 30°30′41″S 115°22′56″E / 30.51139°S 115.38222°E / -30.51139; 115.38222). Common explanations given by skeptics include wildfires or a telecommunications station. Also, the coordinates are within Emu Downs Wind Farm, Western Australia, photos of which show cleared triangular ground.[5]

[edit] Common explanations

Black triangles are the subject of much speculation in the ufology community and various conspiracy theories, as well as more mundane, skeptical hypotheses. Common explanations include the following:

  • craft of extraterrestrial origin
  • top secret craft containing suppressed or reverse engineered anti-gravity technology
  • the Aurora, an alleged hypersonic spy plane
  • common misidentifications of one or more conventional aircraft
  • psychological phenomenon, such as the availability of previous reports influencing suggestible witnesses
  • B-2 Spirit stealth bomber or F-117 Nighthawk stealth fighter
  • satellites passing overhead, whose points make what appear to be a black triangle in the sky

Because black triangles are, by definition, unidentified flying objects, the merits of these hypotheses are undemonstrated. Further, it is unknown how many of the sightings even have a common explanation. No government has claimed responsibility.

Sunday 24 May 2009

UFO over Copacabana Beach

Hundreds gather to see 'UFO'

I saw this story today on the BBC News website. Hope you enjoy watching it.

UFOs continue to fascinate us, not least because many reported sightings remain shrouded in mystery.

But in Brazil hundreds of residents were invited to come and watch a very stylish flying object in the night sky.

Thursday 21 May 2009


I'm not sure whether I understand the cause of Stigmata, but I am still intrigued by the subject.

"Stigmata" is a Catholic phenomenon, used to describe the appearance of the wounds of Christ on a pious saint or Christian believer. It has been long debated by many who believe stigmata is instead a psychosomatic effect brought on by intense prayer. Stigmatics themselves are the main source of mystery for thousands of Christian believers. Are they really being punctured by the forces of God? Or are the wounds self-inflicted by those who harbor intense belief?

Stigmata can exists in two forms, visible and invisible. Invisible wounds are those covered by the forces of God for the inner comfort of the sufferer. Visible wounds appear on the side, palms, feet and head, and often appear and disappear in the space of a few hours. They can appear in one area alone, or all areas at once. Often, intense bleeding accompanies them, and the period before they appear is characterized by depression and weakness. Some stigmatics report feeling whips across their backs.

The first recorded case of these wounds was in the year 1222, by a man named Stephen Langton of England. St. Francis of Assissi, a famous follower of Jesus, experienced wounds in 1224. The wounds can be experienced by both men and women. One of the more famous female stigmatics was St. Catherine of Siena, who experienced invisible wounds on her hands and feet. An interesting fact about stigmata is that it corresponds with the Passion and Death of Christ. Many wounds appear during the Last Supper, and the holy days of Easter. They disappear on Easter itself. Stigmatics reportedly speak to visions of Christ and angels during their trials, and smell strange scents. There are even reported cases of the blood types not matching between stigmata and wounds.

Stigmata has been reported everywhere from America to Italy. There are cases in France, Spain, England, and Germany. The count of these victims has stopped at 345. It is believed that there are many more, however. Among this count are some of the most famous saints, such as St. Frances of Rome of Assisi, St. Gertrude, St. Collette, St. John of God, and St. Marie of the Incarnation. They span many religious orders, including Dominican priests, Augustinian monks and the Poor Clare nuns.

One of the more interesting theories to explain this phenomenon is the idea of "theological placebo effects." According to this line of thought, stigmatics are so emotionally and physically tied to their belief that they experience a state of mind similar to raptures. It is a fact that the immune system can be controlled by the waking mind, and in some cases, a heartbeat can be consciously slowed. It is this belief that leads some to think that the wounds of the stigmata are personally, albeit unconsciously, produced.

Stigmatics still exist today. There were a reported 20 in the nineteenth century, and their numbers are diminishing. One of the most famous current stigmata is Georgio Bongiavani, who has stigmata on his hands and forehead. His religious wounds cannot be explained by any sources, and according to several news reports they appear and disappear at will.


Monday 18 May 2009


Since 1994 strange serpent-like creatures have been captured on film flying through our skies. Are these so-called 'Rods' of ET origin or a new form of terrestrial life?

After hearing of numerous UFO sightings in his local area of Monterrey, Mexico, a man called Santiago Ytturia decided to set up his camera equipment to see if he could catch one of these unusual objects on film. After waiting for more than an hour on the day of 19th of March, 1994, Ytturia started to become restless, but just as he was about to give up hope, his patience was rewarded. Suddenly, he spotted a flashing light and began filming. Unfortunately the light disappeared quickly and after waiting in vain for further activity, Ytturia decided to dismantle his camera and replay the video to see what he had captured on film. On reviewing the film he could see the strange light of the UFO, but then a few frames further on, Ytturia saw something else that puzzled him even more.

Intrigued? You can read the rest here.

Saturday 16 May 2009


Unsolved Mysteries - The Mothman Sightings Video Clip

Some believe a crumbling set of buildings outside of Point Pleasant, West Virginia are home to one of the most bizarre and terrifying creatures ever to walk the earth: half-man, half-bird, and a portent of impending disaster. Those who have seen the creature called it "Mothman."

Whatever the explanation, the Mothman terrified all who saw it, and some even believe the creature is linked to the greatest tragedy ever to befall Point Pleasant. After nearly a year of Mothman sightings, the Silver Bridge leading out of town collapsed, killed 46 people. One witness claimed to have seen the Mothman on the bridge just prior to the disaster.


Monday 11 May 2009

Shadow people

Who are the Shadow People?

I find this subject fascinating, though I am sure I wouldn't be so intrigued if I saw one myself!!!

As long as there have been stories of paranormal hauntings and ghostly phenomena, there have been sightings of "Shadow People". Shadow People (also known as shadow men, shadow folk, or shadow beings) are defined by their featureless, shadow-like appearances.

According to folklore, they appear as dark forms in the peripheries of people's vision and prefer to watch people unseen, disintegrating or moving between walls, when noticed.Sightings of Shadow People are often associated with feelings of dread, intense fear or panic and instances of paralysis have been ascribed to the experience by some witnesses.

They are nearly always a manly shape, large and with a broad silhouette and perhaps the strangest thing about them, is that they are usually seen wearing a hat of some sort. In some instances there are red eyes that seem to pierce right through you.

Reports of Shadow People sightings differ in a number of ways from normal ghost sightings. Shadow People are often reported as having no discernible features such as mouths, noses, or eyes. They are rarely ever reported as trying to communicate with the living.

Witnesses also do not report the same feelings of being in the presence of something that 'was once human'. Shadow Beings are also said to move extremely fast and travel through solid matter.

Saturday 9 May 2009

Tyrone ghost

Haunting tale of a ghost from Tyrone

Many people have already claimed to have seen the Tyrone ghost

On a dark and gloomy January night, down a lonely road in rural Tyrone, the freezing winter weather wasn’t the only chill in the air.

It was shortly after 9pm on a gloomy Thursday evening. Most people were tucked up by the fireside — but this intrepid reporter had gone ghost-hunting.

Nightly sightings of a mysterious white lady have brought hundreds of visitors to an isolated country road a few miles outside Coalisland.

Residents claim the ghost has been haunting the area for the last six weeks, although interest has soared since the story appeared in a local newspaper.

Every night they come, some from as far as Belfast and Enniskillen, hoping to catch a glimpse of the ghoul along the twisting, winding Mullaghmoyle Road.

By last night the story was making headlines across the water with three national newspapers dispatching reporters from London to investigate the ghostly goings-on.

Some people say the ghost has been haunting the area for years.

Others believe its reappearance is linked to the recent cutting down of a nearby fairy tree, located in a field beside a rambling farmhouse which now lies in ruins.

At night it is difficult to appreciate the full presence of the curious old building but by day its eerie effects could be seen — and felt.

Broken doors creaked in the wind while branches scratched against the collapsed roof. Nothing broke the eerie silence which surrounded the dilapidated cottage.

Down the road at the Four Corners public house, just a few hundred yards from the scene, it is a different kind of spirit which has had all the locals talking for weeks.

One man swears he has seen it 20 times, the landlord’s son has only spotted it on seven occasions, but almost everyone is convinced by the ghostly tales.

The landlord, Raymond Bell, said people young and old have reported sightings of the ghost, leading to frenzied speculation and interest.

“There are 20 or 30 people who have seen her in the past week,” he said. “My son Ryan has seen her seven times. He tells me it was an old lady who just crosses the road.

“The media attention is just unbelievable, especially from across the water. We’ve had calls from Scotland and England while people are coming from Belfast and Enniskillen.”

Another local said a fairy tree, which had been planted above a bottled spirit, had been cut down at a nearby field late last year.

“It was a common thing round here,” he said. “The local priest would have come round, exorcised a place and put the spirit in a bottle.

“Then a tree would have been planted so that it would never be disturbed, but that tree was cut down recently.”

According to Noleen Bell, who works in the local bar and has lived in the area all her life, Coalisland has never seen anything like it.

“You’re getting so many stories and jokes,” she said. “People are coming into the pub and that’s all they are talking about. I suppose it beats talking about the credit crunch.

“People come in their droves to see it. Some stay all night.”

Paul Corr (17) from Coalisland travels home along the road every night from work and said he had seen the ghost four times in the last few weeks.

“It is just like a white cloth-type thing which flies across the road on top of the hill. It’s nothing great, I haven’t seen any features or anything.”

Warren Coates from the Northern Ireland Paranormal Research Association said he was aware of previous paranormal activity in the Coalisland area.

“It related to a phantom female hitchhiker, who caused a stir five years ago,” he said. “Drivers would see her on the side of the road with her thumb out. When they pulled up to offer her a lift, she would vanish.”

Wednesday 6 May 2009


As I am a twin, I have lost count of the amount of times I have been asked if I can tell what my sister is thinking, or if I know when she is in trouble or hurt. Unfortunately, I never seemed to know those things even though we were really close.

Telepathy and ESP in its various forms are staples of science fiction literature. Whether they exist in the real world however, has always been more doubtful. Anecdotes are often heard of people who sensed that a distant loved one was in distress, but it is always difficult to know how much faith to put in such personal stories. Unlike most other paranormal phenomena however, which tend to occur with a high degree of randomness and unpredictability, the supposition that unusual psychic powers exist is susceptible to rigorous scientific testing in a laboratory. Many such tests have been conducted and their results are intriguing.

It is best to begin with a definition of terms. Telepathy is psychic communication from one person to another without the normal sensory cues. ESP is similar. It involves the apprehension of knowledge by unconventional means, absent the normal sensory input which usually conveys information, but, in this case, the knowledge does not come from another person.


There have been many experiments conducted which have tended to demonstrate that some form of non-sensory perception exists. Typically, the subjects in these experiments are random members of the general public, not people who claim to have special gifts. They are asked to engage in some form of guessing game among a limited set of choices. The results are totted up. The number of correct answers which could have been expected through chance is computed and anything above that is attributed to ESP or telepathy. Problems often arise when other researchers attempt to replicate the results, however. In a typical pattern, suspicions often arise later about methodological flaws in the original study and the results are discounted by sceptics.

One of the most famous series of studies took place in the United States in the 1930s when J. B. Rhine conducted experiments using the now-famous Zener cards. These cards contained simple graphics of five types - star, circle, wavy lines, cross and square. Participants in the experiment were asked to guess which card would be dealt next from the pack. Rhine noted that the number of correct guesses was significantly above what would have been expected from chance alone.

Rhine's methodology was later criticised, however. Some claimed that the cards were partially translucent and that, in strong lighting conditions, participants might sometimes have been able to make out the design on the other side of the card.

This ushered in a whole new era of concern about methodology in telepathy and ESP experiments.

Some believed that, through facial expressions for example, researchers might unconsciously provide clues to the experimental subjects; or, indeed, that they might telepathically communicate the correct answer! Because of experiments in which subjects performed at below-chance levels, some even came to believe that pre-existing beliefs about ESP of either the subject or researcher could influence the experimental outcome.

The best solution so far arrived at for these manifold problems is what is known as the Ganzfeld technique. In this procedure, subjects lie on a sofa with their eyes covered and with headphones broadcasting white noise into their ears. A red light is shone on to the subject. Relaxation exercises are performed before testing begins. A "sender" in another room then picks a distinctive image and concentrates on it, trying to communicate it telepathically to the "receiver." After a period of time, the "receiver" emerges from his sensory isolation and is shown a number of images, and asked to judge which one corresponds most closely to any impressions he received during isolation.

Using this technique, the American researcher Charles Honorton demonstrated statistically significant results, validating the existence of telepathic communication. Some have since called his use of statistics and therefore the validity of his results into question, however, so it remains an open issue.

Telepathy Among Family Members

Some of the most striking claims of extra-sensory communication relate to family members, particularly twins. In one experiment which was televised in Britain, an 8-year old boy underwent various experiences while his twin brother sat in a sealed room, hooked up to a lie detector, allowing his physiological state to be monitored. When the first twin placed his hand into some bitterly cold water, the second twin, unaware of what was happening, showed a clear bodily reaction. Again, when the first twin experienced fear as a rubber snake popped suddenly out of a box, the second showed a measurable reaction.


In the field of paranormal phenomena, telepathy and extra-sensory perception are among the topics which have been most intensively subjected to scientific scrutiny. Despite this, no generally accepted conclusion has emerged. Enticing claims of success have almost inevitably been followed by sceptical accounts of fraud or methodological failure. The subject continues to intrigue both scientists and the general public, however. Research will no doubt continue and perhaps one day some consensus will be achieved.

Sunday 3 May 2009

Dreams come true

As I have had a few dreams come through, in quite fine detail, I am very interested and intrigued by dreams that come true.

How can you tell if a dream is psychic

Dreams work on different levels. Some inspire you, some are about emotions , some scare us with our worst fears and some are psychic dreams giving premonitions of the future. But how can you tell which is which.

Well in many cases it is difficult to say if a dream is psychic. Say for example that you have an argument with a particular person. It may be that you have arguments with them regularly. So if you dream about this it may be about last weeks argument, or may be a premonition of a future incident. Many emotional issues are like this - they are long running themes to dreams. So many dreams which fit into this category are best ignored.

Events on certain dates. Say you are to have an exam on a certain day. Many people look to their dreams on those days to see if they give some signal as to how they will do. This is a mistake. Such dreams will be wholly unreliable. Clearly such issues are important to the person. They have maybe even been thinking about the outcome of those exams for days on end. Its likely that such dreams are worry dreams - they are showing that we are thinking about the issues. They are thinking about all the possible consequences, and what our feelings will be. And in many cases we will dream that we do well and later dream that we do badly.

No, if the date of the event is on a particular day then just ignore any so called premonitions.

Pregnancies - and other things which dominate our emotions. Many women look to their dreams to see if they are pregnant. They think that either they will pick up on the matter psychically or that they know their own body and any pregnancy will come through in dreams.

But this ignores the fact that this is very important to their emotions. Pregnancy is a major issue and affects people a great deal. It is bound to something they are thinking about. Indeed the thoughts of are they or are they not pregnant dominate their lives. And if they dominate their emotions then they will come out in dreams. The dreams will some days give one answer and other days another answer.

Unexpected events. If an event is truly unexpected then it may be the subject of a premonition dream. Such things include major political events. But if such matters are about the state of society then they must be truly major. I know it sounds harsh but plane crashes happen quite a lot. They happen on almost a daily basis worldwide, although most are just small planes. And to be brutal - so what if a plane has crashed near SOMETOWN in SOMECOUNTRY and killed a few people. Who cares. You will not know anyone involved - so why should you weep for them. And if you don't weep for them then why would you dream about them.

The terrorist attacks on September 11th was a different matter. It was a major event which changed the face of the world. It changed the way people think and it also had extremely graphic imagery. It was the perfect subject for a premonition. If you are going to dream about a major world event it must be very important and it must be something that shocks you.

Personal premonitions. Most premonitions involve very personal issues. They may be of unexpected events such as accidents.

CONCLUSIONS. Many dreams are psychic. Most of them are about simple day to day events and emotions that we feel. They go to the core of the matter. Its very difficult to spot them after the event as the symbolism is often quite difficult. They will not refer to the key facts about an event. They are not like news reports listing times and dates. Instead they concentrate on things that stand out. During the terrorist attacks on 9-11 the dream would have maybe seen the look on someone's face as they sat there covered in dust having run from the twin towers. They may have picked up on a TV presenter losing his cool and swearing on the sheer enormity of the experience hit home. They may have had a dream about their cell phone going off as people were phoning from planes. They may have seen an Arab man taking videos of the event for posterity as actually happened . These little things stick in the memory and thats what defines an event for the unconscious mind. Not the times the planes took off and when they hit.

But the biggest difficulty is that the methods to understand normal dreams and the methods to understand psychic ones are the same. You can only tell if a dream is a psychic dream after the event.

If you are not convinced about psychic dreams then try this - a dream I had the day Princess Diana of the British royal family died

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